New Year's Resolutions

Hey everyone,

Who dreads this word...resolution? It can be tricky to write goals that at the time you felt like you would be able to commit to lol, then halfway in the year you are like "I don't really want to do this".

Personally, I believe that resolutions need to be goals that inspire you for a very meaningful and deeper place than a surface reasons. Over the years I have cancelled on memberships etc, I hope that some of you can relate. 

 I have discovered few strategies that has helped me to stay inspired about my resolutions.

1. Telling a friend, partner or someone who loves you enough to remind you of your commitment. This creates a sense of accountability.

2. Surround yourself with people who have their own resolutions so that you are not on your own. Remember that your resolutions do not need to be the same but both of you need to have something that you are working towards.

3. Resolutions that are firstly easy to manage, one bite at a time, so momentum can be easily acquired. Secondly easy to reflect evaluate and adjust if necessary. Lastly easy to celebrate on after every milestone.

4. Resolutions that an element of fun can be easily injected in, to create fun memories whilst reaching the goal.

These strategies have helped me stay on track with my resolutions year after year.

Hope that this year you can start again a list of 2 or 3 resolution list. I know that you are going to ace it...

Happy New Year!!!

We hope that your 2022 will be filled with great memories and wild adventures of your life.

We love you lots, Kel  and Magano team xx


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